Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Me or the other, on the modern (love) relationship

13 December 2016 20:00 - 22:00

In collaboration with _The Life Fair_ at Het Nieuwe Instituut this 'dilemma-evening' looks at the other in our beds and in our hearts. "An inquiry into our modern way of being with each other, sex, and ofcourse the ultimate relationship: romantic love." The Japanese HugsCafe has made its entry in Western Europe and sex robots are available online. If even intimacy can be outsourced, why would you want to be in a relationship? Is there room for relationships in the furture, or would we rather be on our own?

Photo: Brigitte Niedermair

"Do we need the other or can we go it alone? The longing for intimacy and connectedness is the basis of being human. Yet our relationships have changed. We strive for independence, personal growth seems to have taken over as our main goal, and many would argue that we live in an egocentric society. We have enough trouble sorting out our own lives so how much space is there for the other?

In collaboration with _The Life Fair_ at Het Nieuwe Instituut, this dilemma-evening looks at the other in our beds and in our hearts. An inquiry into our modern way of being with each other, sex, and of course the ultimate relationship: romantic love." For more information, check the Felix in de Steigers website


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