Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

IFFR: Rabbit Hole

24 January 2019 19:30 - 23:45

Octocat Meme

From Thursday 24 Januari - Sunday 3 February Het Nieuwe Café is the 'Meme Café', the heart of the thematic programme Rabbit Hole. A place where the audience can immerse themselves in the memeverse. On show are special meme-related works and installations by artists and filmmakers, there are possibilities to contribute to the exhibition by adding your own memes and several events are organised in the cafe. The programme opens on 24 January during Thursday Night Live! with a special Meme Night in the Meme Café.

Meme Café in Het Nieuwe Instituut

The programme opens on 24 January during Thursday Night Live! with a special Meme Night from 19:30 to 0:00 hours in the Meme Café in Het Nieuwe Instituut. Clusterduck wil give a talk on how meme characters are used on the social web and by the press as (political) mascottes. Their secret internet space by Superinternet will be opened for the duration of the festival. And don't miss the big meme battle!

In the Meme Café there will be installations by; #MEMEPROPAGANDA Goes to Rotterdam by Clusterduck, Get Your Views; Is This Meme Art? by Sasha Gransjean, Meme-rIFFR by Eric Allen Hatch, Meme Rewind 2018 by Tobias Kers, >be me by Aapo Nikkaanen, Octocat Story by David OReilly, SLENDERMAN IS REAL // SLENDERMAN IS FAKE by Dan Schoenbrun.

From the 25th until the 27th January 15:00-16:00 the artists are present in Het Nieuwe Café to talk about their work.

Rabbit Hole

Part of the Perspectives section at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) 2019, Rabbit Hole invites the audience into the deep and shallow realms of the internet by showing filmmakers and artists whose works are inspired by the internet meme. Involving various platforms, Rabbit Hole forms a myriad of different media and references. All originating from the visual language of the meme, the works use, comment and (re)interpret memes into endless circularity and new works.

Meme café

At the Meme Café, the audience is invited to participate in #MEMEPROPAGANDA goes to Rotterdam, an exhibition by European internet collective Clusterduck that will happen both online and IRL (in real life). Draw memes collectively with meme lords from all over the world via a secret website, come read and post on the special message board 4ducks and look out for printed posters by meme makers and artists on the streets of Rotterdam.

Rabbit Hole is curated by IFFR programmer Inge de Leeuw, with contributions by guest curators Tobias Kers, Christopher Osborn and Ioana Stanescu.

Find the full programme on the IFFR website.


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