How to Do a Zoöp
This second edition of 'How to Do a Zoöp' takes a speculative look at Het Nieuwe Insituut, and the wider Museum Park, as a zoöp. Het Nieuwe Instituut as zoöp serves as a case study for the larger question of how to take the interests of more-than-human inhabitants into account when designing green public spaces? How would spatial arrangements and patterns of use have to be reorganised? How might the ecological quality of life, and the relationships between the entire multispecies community (including humans!), be enhanced?
17 June 2021 19:30 - 21:00
This vision of the institute and park as a zoöp was developed during the Zoönomic Curriculum. Participants of the curriculum will present their speculative vision of the Museum Park Zoöp and discuss the choices represented in the plans. Various experts and stakeholders are invited to respond from their different areas of expertise and their roles in the development of the Museum Park. Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, who initiated the Zoöp project at HNI, will introduce the zoöp model and the use of the zoönomic method to engage with a site as a zoöp.
The evening will close with a collective discussion on the administrative, cultural and systemic issues at stake, and on the potential of the zoöp model to play a pivotal role in providing a realistic, immediate and empowering framework for change to take place.
Pierre Oskam
Pierre is a landscape designer, researcher and teacher. Pierre teaches architecture and landscape urbanism at Delft University of Technology. He will soon defend his PhD thesis at research institute ID+ at the University of Aveiro. With his design practice he bridges between architecture, ecophilosophy and more than human- participation in the built environment. Pierre believes that design, art and technology can help as portals to new perception and care for the other, and seeing ´new wilderness´ as part of life in the city.
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer is senior researcher at Het Nieuwe Instituut. Educated as a historian, Klaas researches topics at the intersections of culture, technology and ecology at Het Nieuwe Instituut and develops, curates and moderates knowledge, programs and events in these fields. Klaas initiated the Zoöp project.
Kees Moeliker
Biologist Kees Moeliker (1960) writes and lectures on natural history, especially on birds, urban nature, remarkable animal behaviour, and science that makes you laugh (and think). He is director of the Natural History Museum Rotterdam and European Bureau Chief for the science-humour magazine Annals of Improbable Research.
ZUS architects
Founded in 2001 by Elma van Boxel and Kristian Koreman, ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sensibles] is an interdisciplinary design agency for city and landscape design. ZUS works with an international team on solicited and unsolicited design and research in the field of architecture, urban planning and landscape design.
Tanja Lina
As a city dweller, Tanja attaches great value to nature in the city. Trained as an architect, she mainly uses her abilities to transform urban space into sustainable and environmentally friendly places. Places where residents are involved and aware of the value of biodiversity in the city. She has a fascination for floating gardens and wrote a book about this.