Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

How to Do a Zoöp?

In the run-up to the planned foundation of the first zoöp in September, representatives of four proto-zoöps discuss the potential of becoming a zoöp, and the issues this involves. Speakers Roberta Jurcic, Anne van Leeuwen, Jane da Mosto, Matthijs ten Berge and Klaas Kuitenbrouwer address various aspects of the zoöp model and discuss the ecological, political and economic dimensions in which zoöps operate.

29 April 2021 19:30 - 21:00

Mäusebunker. Image by Roberta Jurcic

What does it mean for an organisation to become a zoöp? This event explores this new and unique governance model, which ensures that the voices and interests of nonhuman life are included in organisational decision-making. In this way, the zoöp model enables diverse organisations to contribute to ecological regeneration. An organisation becomes a zoöp by including a Zoönomic Foundation, representing the interests and needs of non-human life, into its board.

This evening also marks the kick-off of the Zoönomic Curriculum - the training course for proto-zoöps and aspiring members of the Zoönomic Foundation.

The Zoönomic Curriculum is intended for participants who are interested in starting their own zoöp or who want to become an active member of a Zoönomic Foundation. The programme is developed around the Zoönomic Method and trains the participants in the process of starting and developing a zoöp. You can also follow the curriculum as a spectator through the livestream.

Anne van Leeuwen

Anne van Leeuwen studied art history, cultural analysis and biology. She is co-initator of the regenerative farm Bodemzicht just outside Nijmegen. The farm aims to provide a realistic circular alternative to current agriculture and create a long-term future for farmers in the Netherlands.

Jane da Mosto

Jane da Mosto is an environmental scientist and consultant on sustainable development, climate change and wetland ecology. She is a co-founder of We Are Here Venice, an NGO that specialises in using academic research and methodologies to characterise the challenges for Venice while also drawing upon local knowledge and grassroots networks to source accurate information on the city and lagoon in order to improve public understanding and international awareness of Venice's fragile but not hopeless condition. See We Are Here Venice's Facebook and Instagram for more information.

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer is a senior researcher at Het Nieuwe Instituut. Educated as a historian, Kuitenbrouwer researches topics at the intersections of culture, technology and ecology at Het Nieuwe Instituut and develops, curates and moderates knowledge, programmes and events in these fields. He initiated the zoöp project.

Matthijs ten Berge

Matthijs ten Berge is co-founder of Sumowala, a regenerative nature recreation company by Space&Matter and Groundforce Studio. Sumowala creates wild nature experiences for people in close proximity to cities. Sumowala is developing new nature areas where a maximum of 5% of the land is used for small-scale recreational accommodation. Sumowala has circularity and inclusion as guiding principles, and has a great ambition: thousands of hectares of new nature and a thriving network of small-scale places to stay, always close to cities, spread across Europe.

Roberta Jurcic

Roberta Jurcic works as an architect in the Brandlhuber+ office in Berlin and teaches at the Design Studio Brandlhuber at the ETH, Zurich. Together with design studio Brandlhuber+, she works on reworking the future of Maüsebunker, a former animal testing laboratory in Berlin. Mäusebunker survived its almost inevitable demolition, thanks to the joined forces of architects, politicians and citizens. In its second life, Mäusebunker aims to be a site for multispecies cohabitation.


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