Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

FamilieFest: Buildingtingeling

Become an architect for a day during FamilieFest Buildingtingeling. Help build a city of lights that is a meter tall, join the take-over of the outside space of the museum, get to know design secrets from real architects and find out how to look at the museum building through the eyes of non-human life. And if all this design is making you hungry, join the Bread Bar and build your own sandwich.

1 May 2024 08:00 - 14:00

Workshop during FamilieFest Zonneschijnfestijn at the Nieuwe Instituut. Photo: Florine van Rees.

Yes, we want to join!

More information about the programme and workshops can be found on the Dutch event page.

If you have a Rotterdampas or a Museumkaart, you can join the event for free. You can register via the Tickets button ('Yes, we want to join!').

BSO groups are also welcome to join FOR FREE! Sign up to join FamilieFest via e-mail. Send a message to with the subject FamilieFest Buildingtingeling.


FamilieFest is an event that takes place at the Nieuwe Instituut during each school break, and you and your family are invited! It is a day filled with educational workshops and fun activities for children from 4-12 years old. Each edition is organised around one theme, such as solar energy or magical realms. Will you join us on this adventure?

Yes, we want to join!


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