Design Dinners: Redesigning the Designer?

How can designers be supported in (re)designing their practice? Nieuwe Instituut invites 80 practitioners from the fields of design, architecture, digital culture, and interrelated fields in two separate dinners. During the evenings, we delve into experiences and perspectives on vocabularies, skills, knowledges, and mentalities for designers to go about urgent and complex social, spatial, and ecological questions of today and tomorrow.

4 October 2023 15:30 - 19:00

As the Dutch national museum and institute for architecture, design, and digital culture, Nieuwe Instituut aims to foster and support designers and design-researchers within these three disciplines. Together with them we want to understand and question how designers are continuously subject to the (re)design of their own practice. What are (other) values and valuations in design practice that we want to uphold, with pertinent questions around climate change, societal, and economic crises? What can be learned from current designers and studios in that respect? What are the conditions that support a more nurturing, just, equitable, design ‘industry’? And which might be the next design practices?

Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

The perspectives, thoughts and other outcomes of both evenings will serve as tools to foster the collective growth of the design pratice. As an institute, Nieuwe Instituut is committed to embedding these perspectives in how we advocate for the design community in advising policy makers and governments. Complimentary to the evenings, Nieuwe Instituut will be offering a selection of published resources/texts relevant to the design dinners and development of the programme.

The design dinners feature a vegan meal by Manuela Goncalves Tavares of the Nieuwe Café, and are hosted as moderated and informal networking conversations. They are the first in a series of continued gatherings that shape Redesigning the Designer? as a long-term initiative.

A compensation of €200,00 (excl. VAT) is offered to each participant. Please RSVP no later than 21 August 2023. The seats are confirmed and distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. For further queries contact Charly Blödel and Tijn van de Wijdeven.

It is no longer possible to register for this event.



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