DATAstudio Meet Up: A city as smart as its citizens #1 - Scaling our Senses in the Sentient City

How do digital technologies and the involvement of Eindhoven citizens relate to each other? This question is central to a series of meetings organized by DATAstudio in collaboration with various cultural institutions in Eindhoven. In this Meet Up in collaboration with STRP Biennial: where does human agency still exist within the Internet-of-Things?

(This meet up is part of the event STRP SCENE #2 - Senses & Sensors.)

30 September 2016 13:30 - 15:30

As more and more things--from cars to security cameras, traffic lights to transit gates and thermostats to street lights--begin to communicate with each other without human intervention, where can human agency still exist? The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is growing rapidly and represents an important technical foundation for (the promise of) the smart city. What technical, social and ethical questions arise in the smart society and what design principles can be used to maintain human control of machine-to-machine infrastructures? The findings will be tested against the IoT developments at Strijp-S.


Soenke Zehle, media theorist from Saarbrücken. Zehle works at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar as a teacher and head of the academy's xm:lab (Experimental Media Lab). He is also a researcher at the Ubiquitous Media Technologies Lab, the German research center for artificial intelligence. Zehle develops multidisciplinary projects in the field of art and technology, and is co-author of several publications on ambient media, among other things.

Tobias Revell is an artist and designer from London. Revell co-created the Haunted Machines project. Revell is currently working for the London College of Communication. He obtained his Masters in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art. Revell is also one of the founders of the research office Strange Telemetry.

About the DATAstudio Meet Ups: "A city as smart as its citizens"

This meeting is part of the series DATAstudio Meet Ups: "A city as smart as its citizens". In this series of meetings in cooperation with DATAstudio*, various cultural institutions in Eindhoven explore how digital technology and the participation of citizens from Eindhoven relate to each other.

Every Meet Up highlights the theme from a different angle, in order to explore both broadly and deeply as a series. The first meeting will be organized with the STRP Biennial on the human role in the Internet-of-Things (30 September), at Baltan Laboratories the focus lies on the smart city as a public issue (21 November), and at Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven the meeting will examine digital mapping of patterns and bottlenecks associated with living in the city (12 December).

At each meeting one or more experts will give lectures in which they discuss the issues from an international perspective. After the lectures, speakers and the audience will debate a relevant example from Eindhoven.

*The DATAstudio is part of The State of Eindhoven (De Staat van Eindhoven), a project by Het Nieuwe Instituut and the city of Eindhoven. In the DATAstudio we connect available data and technological capabilities to the reality of the street and the needs of residents.


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