Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Club Nightbirds

During Club Nightbirds, Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken, fashion designer Maaike Fransen and artist Filip Gilissen present a performance about nightlife. The performance follows on from spatial installations or interventions based on the theme of nightlife that they made at the invitation of Studio Makkink & Bey. For Club Nightbirds, they in turn have invited guests to add more colour and taste to the theme.

18 December 2014 20:00 - 22:00

Nightbirds is the second instalment in the series 'Surprising Finds from the Collection', in which curator and archivist Alfred Marks brings together extraordinary drawings, photographs, objects and models from the collection in an associative manner. For Nightbirds he descended into the nightlife world of bohemians and revellers.


6:30--7:30 pm Table d'Hôte
8--8:30 pm Lecture on hospitality, by Ronald van Tienhoven, at the invitation of Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken
8:45--9 pm Performance 'Oh Britny Baby' by Dennis van Vreden, at the invitation - and in the dress of - Maaike Fransen.
They are accompanied by two golden Labradors decked out in 'No Problem' golden spangled costumes by Filip Gilissen.
9--10 pm Drinks and live music by Sociale Onrust, at the invitation of Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken

Guest interventions in Nightbirds, curated by Studio Makkink & Bey

Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken is made up of six young designers and engineers who deal with the social impact of stuff and systems. What fascinates them are the front and back sides of things. Their intervention in the exhibition welcomes you on your way to the entrance.

Maaike Fransen and the three prostitutes
Designer Maaike Fransen spins stories about new worlds through costumes, clothes and performances. From her studio in the red-light district of Amsterdam, she is developing a guest intervention based on and in collaboration with women of easy virtue.

Festive month
Artist Filip Gilissen uses the language of commerce to comment on the cynical aspects of globalisation and consumer-driven politics. He examines the one-liners of the industry of the spectacle through events, performances and installations.



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