Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Book Launch: Hands On Research for Artists, Designers & Educators

What is research in art and design all about? Join Willem de Kooning Academy to discuss the interconnections of making and thinking, practice and theory, and to celebrate the publication of Hands On Research for Artists, Designers & Educators.

2 April 2025 15:00 - 19:00

Image courtesy of Willem de Kooning Academy

When does making become research? How to document the intangible? And what is research without a public? The book Hands On Research for Artists, Designers & Educators (Set Margins’, 2024) provides an accessible model for anyone interested in doing research. It presents the research process through six actions: research by making, research of context, participatory research, reflecting on research, documenting research and making public. Each action is equally important and can be the starting point of a research project.

Authors of the book and research tutors at the Willem de Kooning Academy Harma Staal, Jojanneke Gijsen and Miriam Rasch, discuss hands on research projects from the art and design fields with Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Nieuwe Instituut), practitioners, alumni and the audience.

Entrance is free and you are invited to join for drinks afterwards.


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