Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Book Presentation SO-IL In Depth: Urban Domesticities Today

Discover a new perspective on urban living at the book launch of SO-IL In Depth: Urban Domesticities Today. Brooklyn-based architectural firm SO–IL (Solid Objectives Idenburg Liu) has been designing homes and other projects around and between living spaces for over ten years.

22 May 2025 17:30 - 19:00

Rooftop looking out to NYC Housing Authority housing and the Downtown Brooklyn skyline. Photo: Iwan Baan.

SO-IL takes a critical look at the way homes are often designed today under the pressure of production requirements, opting instead for an experimental approach. The book In Depth: Urban Domesticities Today reveals an attempt to redefine the rules and spaces, the “codes, cores, courts and corridors”. This is illustrated by SO-IL’s latest projects, which explore themes such as openness, connection and community building in urban life.

“We believe that homes are not just shelters but should be spaces for empowerment, community, and well-being. This book encapsulates our vision of what the future of housing can be.”
— Florian Idenburg & Jing Liu, SO–IL.

After an introduction by Florian Idenburg, architect Afaina de Jong (AFARAI) will talk to developer Edwin Oostmeijer and architect Job Floris from architectural firm MONADNOCK. They will discuss themes from the book and apply them to the situation in the Netherlands.


  • 19:30 Welcome
  • 19:35 Lecture by Florian Idenburg
  • 20:10 Conversation with Edwin Oostmeijer and Job Floris, moderated by Afaina de Jong
  • 21:00 End

Language: English | Location: Nieuwe Instituut | RSVP (Free)



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