Aukje Bolle new Managing Director of Nieuwe Instituut
Aukje Bolle will take up the position of Managing Director of Nieuwe Instituut on 1 October 2024. In this position, she will oversee the business, financial and organisational aspects of the institute and be jointly responsible for the National Collection for Dutch Architecture and Urban Planning. Together with Aric Chen, General and Artistic Director, Bolle forms the Board of Directors.
19 August 2024
Judith van Kranendonk, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Nieuwe Instituut, is delighted with the appointment: "With Aukje Bolle, we are bringing in a driven, enthusiastic and professional director with a great deal of experience in the cultural field. Together with Aric Chen, she will further shape and give substance to the sustainable growth and development of Nieuwe Instituut. With her large network in Rotterdam and beyond, she will strengthen the position of the institute in society and the fields of architecture, design and digital culture: locally, nationally and internationally.”
Aric Chen says: “We’re thrilled to have Aukje joining Nieuwe Instituut as we embark on ambitious plans to rethink the role of cultural institutions in society. With her professional background, proven abilities and keen energies, Aukje will play a critical role in steering Nieuwe Instituut and we are excited for her arrival.”
About Aukje Bolle
In recent years, Aukje Bolle has been director of Kunstgebouw, the provincial organisation for cultural participation and cultural education in South Holland. Prior to that, she was managing director of Korzo, the theatre in The Hague, and policy advisor for art and culture at the municipality of Rotterdam.
About Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut is the national museum and institute for architecture, design and digital culture, located in Rotterdam's Museumpark. Through exhibitions, events, research and other national and international initiatives, we show how design ideas contribute positively to urgent societal and ecological challenges. We don't just want to imagine a better future, we want to test it and put it into practice. Nieuwe Instituut is a hospitable and lively place, where various designers, thinkers and the public meet. Polyphony is also the foundation of the Zoöp, our organizational model in which non-human life has a voice. Nieuwe Instituut is also responsible for the management, conservation and accessibility of the National Collection for Dutch Architecture and Urban Planning, one of the largest architectural collections in the world, and the Sonneveld House Museum, an icon of Dutch functionalist architecture dating from 1933.
About the recruitment
The application process was supervised by Marina Wijn Consultants, a search agency specialising in management for the cultural sector.
Press release