Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Interior model by Theo van Doesburg acquired for the collection

For the National Collection, Het Nieuwe Instituut has acquired an interior model by architect and artist Theo van Doesburg. It is a design for Café Aubette, one of the most important architectural projects of De Stijl, the art movement of which Theo van Doesburg was the figurehead. With this radical design, Van Doesburg no longer made a distinction between architecture and painting.

16 March 2021

Theo van Doesburg. Interior model. Colour design for ceiling and three walls, cinema and dance hall of Café de l'Aubette, 1926/1927. Pencil and gouache on cardboard. 43 x 74.5 cm. Collection Het Nieuwe Instituut, DOES m1. Photo: Johannes Schwartz.

Theo van Doesburg. Interior model. Colour design for ceiling and three walls, cinema and dance hall of Café de l'Aubette, 1926/1927. Pencil and gouache on cardboard. 43 x 74.5 cm. Collection Het Nieuwe Instituut, DOES m1. Photo: Johannes Schwartz.

The model in Van Doesburg’s studio at Place Kleber in Strasbourg, 1927. Archive of Theo and Nelly van Doesburg, Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD).

Theo van Doesburg. Café Aubette. Collectie Het Nieuwe Instituut, gift Van Moorsel, DOES ab5206

The model in Van Doesburg’s studio at Place Kleber in Strasbourg, 1927. Archive of Theo and Nelly van Doesburg, Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD).

The interior of Café Aubette, designed in 1928, is considered one of the great works of art of the 20th-century avant-garde. Read more about Theo van Doesburg’s design and why this interior model is an asset to the National Collection.

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Theo van Doesburg. Interior model. Colour design for ceiling and three walls, cinema and dance hall of Café de l'Aubette, 1926/1927. Pencil and gouache on cardboard. 43 x 74.5 cm. Collection Het Nieuwe Instituut, DOES m1. Photo: Johannes Schwart…

The model on public display

As soon as Het Nieuwe Instituut can reopen, this unique asset to the National Collection goes on public display. In addition to the model itself, visitors will be able to see a video about it by Tanja Busking, with explanations by curator Hetty Berens and conservator Elizabet Nijhoff Asser. lees meer

De aankoop van de interieurmaquette van Theo van Doesburg is mede mogelijk gemaakt met de genereuze bijdragen van Vereniging Rembrandt (mede dankzij haar Dura Kunstfonds en haar A. Quist-Rütter Fonds), Mondriaan Fonds, het publieke stimuleringsfonds voor beeldende kunst en cultureel erfgoed en Galerie Gmurzynska.


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