Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Huis Sonneveld

Wat is Nederland


Group 3 Match Making Platform

Groep 3

_How can we develop a new work context for the World Expo? _

Every five years hundreds of pavilions are built in a sterile area, set up for the occasion. Millions of euros are spent channeling the anger of local inhabitants. In splendid isolation, each country vies to build the most gargantuan construction, meant to last a few months before ending op on the rubbish heap.

In this project Govert, Marthe and Raphael are designing a new approach for the World Expo Rotterdam 2025.

The aim is make the outcome of the World Expo relevant for the city, the locals, and the participants.

To achieve this goal, they propose to set up a match making platform. An environment where local needs, wishes or initiatives have the opportunity to meet and work along with external institutions, companies or government.

In the form of a website, stakeholders can contribute as a HOST or a GUEST to either bring an (im)material issue or propose an idea within the international context of Rotterdam. Having found the perfect match the project can then start growing as a performance, exhibition, construction, system of transportation.

Taking advantage of the advertising of the World Expo, the project will be visible and gain the approval of locals but also the international parties involved.

A real and challenging collaboration will create relevant, long term projects and connect Rotterdam to the rest of the world in a new paradigm for the world fair - world exchange.


Raphael Coutin - Design Academy, Eindhoven
Govert Flint - Design Academy, Eindhoven

Marthe van Gils - TU Delft


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